Our Locations

children playing childcare centre

Find your nearest centre, we have 5 locations in Victoria; Hillside 3037, Knoxfield 3180, Greensborough 3088, Ardeer, 3022 and Redan 3350.

Community Kids Haven

Address: 299-3O1 Plenty River Drive,
Greensborough VIC 3O88
Call Us: (O3) 9432 4O33
Email: gb@communitykidshaven.com.au

Business Hours:
Our centre is open from Monday till Friday
6:3Oam till 6:3Opm
we are closed on weekends and public holidays.

Community Kids Haven

Address: 1563 Ferntree Gully Road,
Knoxfield VIC 318O
Call Us: (O3) 9753 2666
Email: kx@communitykidshaven.com.au

Business Hours:
Our centre is open from Monday till Friday
6:3Oam till 6:3Opm
we are closed on weekends and public holidays.

Community Kids Haven

Address: 704 Skipton Street
Redan VIC 3350
Call Us: (O3) 7O36 O315
Email: rd@communitykidshaven.com.au

Community Kids Haven

Address: 1-3 Jade Way,
Hillside VIC 3O37
Call Us: (O3) 939O 74O9
Email: hs@communitykidshaven.com.au

Business Hours:
Our centre is open from Monday till Friday
6:3Oam till 6:3Opm
we are closed on weekends and public holidays.

Community Kids Haven

Address: 697 Ballarat Road,
Ardeer VIC 3022
Call Us: (O3) 7O36 O1O5
Email: ad@communitykidshaven.com.au

Business Hours:
Our centre is open from Monday till Friday
6:3Oam till 6:3Opm
We are closed on weekends and public holidays.